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Paramount Axes Comedy Central Site, 25+ Years of Daily Show Clips Gone

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5 hours ago
Good job there Paramount.

But hey, we def. should leave culture to for-profit entities.
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Old and busted: Starlink.New hotness: Rivada Space ...

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Old and busted: Starlink.

New hotness: Rivada Space Networks in München!

Finanziert von Peter Thiel und dem US-Verteidigungsministerium. Oh und "ein Staatsfonds aus dem Mittleren Osten".

Ist ja komisch, wollen die alle einen Plan B haben, um Elon "4d-Schach" Musk loszuwerden?

Lustigerweise bewirbt sich die Firma als europäisch und grundsolide und viel sicherer, weil man VPN-Zugänge anbieten könne, die nicht über das reguläre Internet geroutet werden!1!!

Wie europäisch, fragt ihr? Naja, die Finanzierung hatte ich ja schon erwähnt. Karl Rove spielt auch mit (der Bush-Berater). Donald Trump hat dafür gesorgt, dass die 5G-Frequenzen aus dem Militär-C-Band gekriegt haben. Neben Trump sind noch diverse andere Republikaner dort Investoren. Und im Verwaltungsrat sitzen Ex-US-Regierungsmitglieder und -Militärs. Oh, und

Mit dem britischen Lord und Feldmarschall Charles Guthrie ist auch der frühere Chef des Verteidigungsstabes (Chief of the Defence Staff) der britischen Streitkräfte im Verwaltungsrat.
Also eigentlich alle — außer Europa halt.
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5 hours ago
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Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm:I was served an ...

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Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm:
I was served an Ad that featured an AI Photo of myself on Snapchat.
Ja meine Güte, was ist denn da los?!
I have no idea how they got photos of me to be able to generate this ad.
Oh ich habe da eine Theorie!
Was this something that I agreed to when signing Snapchat’s TOS?
Ich möchte auflösen: Ja. Ja, so ist es.

So langsam merken auch die langsameren unter den Deppen in der Herde, dass es keine "kostenlosen" Dienste gibt.

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5 hours ago
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Old and busted: Polizei braucht mehr Befugnisse wegen ...

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Old and busted: Polizei braucht mehr Befugnisse wegen Terrorpornokindernazimissbrauch.

New hotness: Polizei braucht kostenlosen Zugriff auf alle Onlyfans-Pornos.

Hotness, geddit? Geddit?

Millionen von Paywalls bei OnlyFans erschweren den Kampf gegen Kindesmissbrauch
Oh ach soooo, den Kampf gegen den Kindesmissbrauch erschwert das! Hey, also wenn ich dafür unendlich kostenlose Pornos kriege, dann, äh, kämpfe ich ab jetzt auch gegen Kinderpornografie auf (worum ging es? oh ja!) Onlyfans!1!!
Der Grund ist, dass es nicht nur eine einzelne Paywall gibt, um sich Zugang zu pornografischem Material zu verschaffen, sondern praktisch jeder OnlyFans-Anbieter seine eigene Paywall setzt.
Was bilden die sich eigentlich ein?! Das ist ja wie bei Amazon, wo Produkte einzeln bezahlt werden wollen und unterschiedlich viel kosten können, besonders wenn sie auch noch von verschiedenen Anbietern kommen!

Wie kommen die überhaupt darauf, dass es bei Onlyfans Kindesmissbrauch gibt? Na ganz einfach!1!!

Statistiken zu Kindesmissbrauch darstellende Videos und Bilder (CSAM, "child sexual abuse material") gibt es deshalb nur von OnlyFans selbst. Demnach hat die Plattform letztes Jahr 347 solcher Fälle gemeldet, im Jahr zuvor waren es 310 Fälle. Allerdings sei dies kaum überprüfbar, so die Ermittler.
Sich selbst bereichernde Kindesmissbrauchsverfolger haben einfach ein Bauchgefühl, wieviel Missbrauch es da geben wird, weil, seien wir mal ehrlich, ÜBERALL IST MISSBRAUCH! ÜBERALL!!! Und die gemeldeten Zahlen finden sie zu wenig, also gibt es nur eine Erklärung: Onlyfans lügt!1!!

Ich bin mir sicher, nächste Woche gibt es mal wieder eine BUNDESWEITE RAZZIA!1!! oder so, damit ihr denen glaubt, dass es da ein Problem gibt. Und dass das Problem nicht daher kommt, dass die nicht nur das Problem nicht bekämpfen (sonst wären ihre Arbeitsplätze gefährdet) sondern in der Vergangenheit dadurch aufgefallen sind, nicht mal die gefundenen Bilder aus dem Netz genommen zu haben (sonst wären ihre Arbeitsplätze gefährdet) oder sogar selber entsprechende Plattformen betrieben zu haben (man muss die Szene am Leben halten, sonst wären die Arbeitsplätze der "Ermittler" gefährdet).

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5 hours ago
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Why some Ontario municipalities are throwing in the towel on their outdoor swimming pools | CBC News

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A number of cost factors, mixed with poor maintenance and infrastructure is part of a trend that an expert says is driving some southwestern Ontario municipalities to permanently close their outdoor swimming pools. It's drawing the ire of residents who value the outdoor spaces.

Resident says travelling between rural towns is not accessible for low-income families without a car

After nearly 50 years, the municipality of Central Huron in southwestern Ontario opted last week to fill in Clinton's only outdoor swimming pool and return it to green space. The decision has drawn ire from some residents who say the outdoor space is of great value to communities.

"It's a great place for families to go, I took my son there every summer and it's really hard these days for kids to leave their computers behind and go do something outside," said Heather Baker, who has lived in Clinton for almost 12 years. "It's indispensable. I can't imagine living in a town without a public pool, it's absolutely a shame."

The municipality voted on Tuesday to remove Clinton's pool in a process that costs about $200,000, after a report showed that fixing it would amount to $5 million which isn't feasible, said Mayor Jim Ginn.

"With the age of the pool there really isn't a fix to it, it's's beyond tired. We're a small municipality and it just seemed too much to bite off," he said. 

"There was a time when governments had money for recreational facilities and it just seems to be harder to access those, so the dollars that might've been available 50 years ago when some of these pools were built, just aren't available now."

A few years ago, a health unit inspection found underground erosion in the pool from a leaky pipe causing its deck to collapse, said Ginn. Community outreach — including an online survey and public meetings — to discuss the pool's future had a low turnout, he added. 

A number of cost factors, poor maintenance and infrastructure is part of a trend that an expert says is driving municipalities grappling with tight budgets to shut down their open-air pools.

"Obviously, as things age, more maintenance needs to be involved and more funds and infrastructure need to be applied to those pools. There's pumps, filters, valves, and finishes within the tank that need to be serviced on a regular basis, said Jamie Lopes, manager of DEI Consulting's Aquatic Department.

"Pools that are more than 50-years-old, they've outlived their life expectancies. With inflation, things don't cost the same as they did a few decades ago, so costs associated with establishing a community pool have gone up astronomically."

In March, about 100 kilometres southeast in Woodstock, the city shelved its plans to build a brand new $5 million outdoor pool in place of its Lions Pool which closed last summer. 

"Looking at the fiscal responsibilities of the city right now, it was pretty clear that it wasn't the best way to spend the money at today's current interest rates to go into that much debt," said Woodstock Mayor Jerry Acchione.

Last year, London said goodbye to its beloved 50-metre Thames Park Pool but that closure was due to infrastructure problems with groundwater and movement of the pool.

High Material and equipment costs

DEI Consulting, located in Kitchener, created reports for London and Woodstock's pools. 

While cost of materials depends on a pool's size, an average pump can range between $8,000 to $15,000, Lopes said. With electrical requirements, installation, valves and piping — the price can snowball very quickly.

Equipment needs to be tested anywhere from daily to once a year depending on what they are. Whether it's feasible to renovate an existing pool or build a new one depends on public demand, he said.   

"Pools are great. As far as infrastructure and cost, yes they're a big ticket item but they're needed for recreation and a healthy body and mind," said Lopes. "[They're] definitely worth the investment for any municipality to look at to see how it benefits the local population."

Woodstock residents can use its indoor Aquatic Centre that has extended swim hours. There are two indoor pools within a driving distance from Clinton in Goderich and Vanastra, and an outdoor pool in Seaforth, said Ginn.   

But Clinton resident Baker said it's not accessible for many people to travel between rural towns. A year-round indoor pool within the community could solve that problem, Baker added.

"It's very hard if families don't have cars or access to some sort of ride," she said. "There's no buses available to take us to the Vanastra pool, so for all the families who are low income, to get to another town with a pool is impossible."

Woodstock's pool, built in 1947, shut down due to a torn liner. Although costs to replace it would be more than $220,000, its pipes' condition would continue causing problems, the city said. 

Both Acchione and Ginn said outdoor pools are only used for three to four months of the year and the cost of operating them outweighs their short-term use.

"I apologize, we had some tough decisions to make for this most recent budget. But it boils down to spending [money] that the entire city could use on a 12-month basis, versus something that some people could use if the weather permits for a few months," said Acchione.

According to Ginn, an indoor pool has much higher operating costs and Clinton has an insufficient population base to make up for it. Adding a third indoor pool in the area can be problematic for all of them, he said.

Baker believes politicians are being shortsighted and don't recognize the value an outdoor pool has for small town residents, she said.

"Summers are getting hotter and there's a lot of people in small towns who don't own cars, who don't have access to pools in other towns or the beach, so the pool really is the only place they can go to cool off and spend family time or time with friends."


Isha Bhargava is a multiplatform reporter for CBC News and has worked for Ontario newsrooms in Toronto and London. She loves telling current affairs and human interest stories. You can reach her at <a href=""></a>

    With files from Andrew Lupton

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    19 hours ago
    Considering Kits pool here in Vancouver: At what point are people actually asking how it could be that we could build and have all these things 50 years ago, but apparently now the pockets are empty?

    And it's not just things like outdoor pools. Yet, all we hear is how we're all taxed to death, even though taxes have been trending down for 40+ years.

    I wonder if there's a connection? /s
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    DNA Lounge: Wherein the techbros want to sell your security cameras back to you, again

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    It's a month ending in "Y", and so another techbro has re-invented a "where the ladies at?" app:

    'It's completely invasive': New app lets you spy on SF bars to see if they're poppin'

    The company has a network of cameras across San Francisco venues that lets app users see how busy events are in real-time so revelers can decide if the vibe is right for them. [...] "Nightlife in San Francisco and other cities is currently very difficult to navigate," co-founder Lucas Harris said in a phone interview.

    Yeah, maybe for you, buddy.

    I was briefly quoted in this article, so I'll share the full comments I made to the reporter. (Ever notice that when your first reaction to something is "OMG I don't want to talk about this" you end up talking a lot? No? Maybe it's just me.)

    I am interested in talking about the live streams at your club, because it is somewhat similar to something getting off the ground by a startup in the city.

    Lemme guess, some techbro has this innovative idea of being the rent-seeking middleman charging venues and bands to run pay-per-view streams. "That Guy" has had that idea roughly every six months for two decades. It has nothing to do with what we do.

    So, just for the sake of comparison, how would you describe the reason for having cameras in the DNA Lounge?

    Enabling the artists we book to share their performances with an international audience of their fans, and of DNA Lounge's fans. As opposed to: being another rentier whose idea of "getting involved in entertainment" boils down to "find a way to get passive income from the artists and venues doing the actual work".

    Every techbro attempted "disruption" of our industry in this century has been 100% toxic, and I don't expect whatever this is to be any different. Or to last more than six months. Probably they'll "pivot" to selling their surveillance footage to law enforcement, data brokers, or AI model training.

    Here's an article about a techbro douchebag trying this same gambit in 2012, running a service to tell you "where the ladies at?"

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    19 hours ago
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