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“My Bike Is Everything to Me”


a pair of photos of Bill Walton with his bike

Former NBA player and TV sportscaster Bill Walton died on Monday at the age of 71. He was a quirky dude and as someone who’s been known to veer off onto seemingly unrelated tangents, I appreciated his oddball broadcasting style. Basketball was good for Walton but it also ruined his body. In response, he turned to biking to keep active and to get around.

I am the luckiest guy in the world because I am alive and I can ride my bike. It is the ultimate celebration of life when you go out there and are able to do what you can do. I have not been able to play basketball for 34 years. I have not been able to walk for enjoyment or pleasure or exercise in 41 years, but I can ride my bike.

In a brief clip of a talk Walton gave (at the University of Arizona, I believe, the custodian of Biosphere 2), he elaborated on how important his bicycle was to him:

I love my bike. My bike is everything to me. My bike is my gym, my church, and my wheelchair. My bike is everything that I believe in going on in the Biosphere. It’s science, it’s technology, it’s the future, engineering, metallurgy - you name it, it’s right there in my bike. My bike is the most important and valuable thing that I have.

Walton knew: the bicycle is low-key one of humankind’s greatest inventions:

By contrast, a person on a bicycle can go three or four times faster than a pedestrian, but uses five times less energy in the process. He carries one gram of his weight over a kilometer of flat road at an expense of only 0.15 calories. The bicycle is the perfect transducer to match man’s metabolic energy to the impedance of locomotion. Equipped with this tool, a person outstrips the efficiency of not only all machines but all other animals as well.

As one of the commenters on this post said, “Tailwinds and smooth asphalt forever, buddy.”

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Was würdet ihr glauben, wenn ihr bei eurer Bank eine ...

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Was würdet ihr glauben, wenn ihr bei eurer Bank eine verlorene Debit Card meldet, wie lange das dauert, bis ihr eine Ersatzkarte habt?

Ich würde sagen: Am nächsten Tag sollte die da sein. Die Banken haben ja alle Filialen geschlossen, bei denen man früher auch ohne Karte Geld abheben konnte, wenn man sich ausweisen konnte.

Ein Kollege erzählt mir gerade, dass er bei der Sparkasse seit zwei Wochen wartet. In unserem Haushalt haben wir Montag mittag eine Karte bei der Postbank verloren gemeldet und bis heute keinen Ersatz erhalten. Das räumt schön die Theorie weg, dass wenn die Postbank von der Deutschen Bank übernommen wird, dass die dann wenigstens Basis-Banking-Dienstleistungen kompetent bearbeiten könnten.

Nein. Können sie nicht. Was für ein unglaublicher Saftladen.

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Forecasters warn B.C. of hot summer, as province offers more free air conditioners | CBC News

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British Columbia

The B.C. government says it is tripling funding for its program that offers free air conditioners to people with low incomes in anticipation of the onset of hotter and drier conditions in June.

New funding aims to provide free air conditioners to around 19,000 more households in B.C.

The B.C. government says it is tripling funding for its program that offers free air conditioners to people with low incomes in anticipation of hotter and drier conditions in June.

Josie Osborne, B.C.'s energy minister, announced an additional $20 million to the program on Friday during an update on summer heat preparedness. 

"Many people in British Columbia who struggle with extreme heat often have limited options when it comes to cooling their homes, especially for people who have lower incomes or people who are medically vulnerable," Osborne said.

The province in partnership with B.C. Hydro launched the Free Portable Air Conditioner program last year in response to the 2021 heat dome that killed more than 600 people, most of whom did not have air conditioning, according to a B.C. Coroners Service death review panel.

Last year the province provided about 6,000 air conditioners to people at risk in extreme heat conditions through the program, which is income based and includes one portable air conditioner unit and a one-time installation.

"We don't want anyone to be left behind," Osborne said. 

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The new funding aims to provide free air conditioners to 19,000 more households.

It comes as Environment Canada urges British Columbians to be prepared for "above normal" temperatures this summer.

"We will stay in cooler temperatures for another six or so days before we go into a heat event next weekend or late next week and likely remain in warmer probabilities for the rest of the month," said Armel Castellan, a meteorologist with Environment Canada.

According to Castellan, northwest B.C. and the central Interior have seen a "fairly normal" spring thus far and more precipitation than a typical May while the northeast region has faced a major rainfall deficit. 

June's outlook indicates a probability of below-normal precipitation across the B.C. Interior as the month unfolds.

The forecast says officials will only know about individual precipitation events in the days leading up to them.

"It is pretty obvious to the modelling — not just the Canadian models but all the international models as well — that we are looking at likely a warmer than normal summer period, so June, July, and August in B.C. as well as the rest of the country," Castellan said. 

Preparations underway

Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry urged people to stay alert and keep themselves informed about weather events. 

In recent years, the province has introduced the B.C. Heat Alert Response System, which issues notices for heat warnings and extreme-heat emergencies. 

"We'll be putting out heat warnings when we have higher than normal temperatures over a period of days," Henry said.

"But when it's continually getting hotter over a period of days and not cooling down at night, that is when we would be in a state of extreme heat or emergency and we'll be notifying people about that."

Extreme heat warnings will also be added to highway signs around the province to help keep people informed.

In a statement Friday, the province said it may also send emergency alerts to mobile devices, radio and TV in the event of an extreme heat emergency, which will be broadcast like an Amber Alert.

More support for tenants and seniors: Dix

Health Minister Adrian Dix told the briefing on Friday that the province's residential tenancy branch had updated its air conditioning policy to make it clear that landlords cannot ban air conditioning units in rental agreements "without a rational basis, such as a safety concern."

"We are strongly encouraging strata, corporations and landlords to work together with their tenants to ensure air-conditioning units are safely installed to keep people cool and safe," Dix said. 

He said the province is also providing a $6 million grant to make improvements to long-term care and assisted living homes, which includes adding new air conditioning units at 47 long-term care homes and upgrading air conditioning units at 149 more.

With files from The Canadian Press

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1 day ago
Health Minister Adrian Dix told the briefing on Friday that the province's residential tenancy branch had updated its air conditioning policy to make it clear that landlords cannot ban air conditioning units in rental agreements "without a rational basis, such as a safety concern."

"We are strongly encouraging strata, corporations and landlords to work together with their tenants to ensure air-conditioning units are safely installed to keep people cool and safe," Dix said.
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Modes of Transportation

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My bold criticism might anger the hot air balloon people, which would be a real concern if any of them lived along a very narrow line directly upwind of me.
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1 public comment
2 days ago
Seriously interested in the argument for unicycles as safer than bicycles and scooters. Unicycles... move more slowly, I guess?
2 days ago
Can't crash too badly if you can't even get it to go 10 feet.
2 days ago
I've ridden unicyles. They are very safe. You basically only go at a jogging pace at the fastest, and if anything weird happens you jump off and land on your feet.

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Cosmologists estimate the spaghetti strand to be about 200 septillion calories, though it could be higher depending on the nutritional value of dark matter.
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